Jordan Beane on Short Term Vacation Rentals

With so many eyes now on our race in District 2, our campaign is getting a lot of questions on the biggest topics facing our beach and bay communities. Therefore, here is our position, per an interview with the Union Tribune: "District 2 shares the most significant...

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See you April 9th!

See you April 9th!

On April 9th, come out to support Jordan Beane & a better District 2. "Sometimes someone surprises you so much that he makes you eat your own words. That's what Jordan did to me; and since you know me then you know that's no small accomplishment! But that's also...

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A Brighter Future for All San Diegans

With average housing prices continuing to spiral upwards, many San Diegans are finding it harder and harder to make it in America’s Finest City. Without action San Diego will only be home to those lucky enough to buy decades ago, along with the 1%. Meanwhile the rest...

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Jordan Beane, Net Neutrality & Municipal Broadband

Jordan Beane, Net Neutrality & Municipal Broadband

San Diego’s citizens deserve better than being under the thumb of major corporations. After the FCC decision to repeal Net Neutrality regulations, Jordan Beane is calling for the City of San Diego to protect internet freedom and study bringing municipal broadband to...

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San Diegans Deserve Better at SANDAG

San Diegans Deserve Better at SANDAG

SANDAG doesn't represent the needs of San Diegans - and a San Diegan is fighting to keep it that way. "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled...

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Episode 2: Dave Myers, Candidate for County Sheriff

Episode 2: Dave Myers, Candidate for County Sheriff

The Beane 2018 Podcast is back for episode No. 2, discussing what a progressive criminal justice system looks like with Dave Myers, candidate for San Diego County Sheriff.   With his second podcast, Jordan Beane sits down with fellow candidate Dave Myers, another...

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What do San Diego and Kansas Have in Common?

What do San Diego and Kansas Have in Common?

While not initially obviously, there are some interesting political parallels between America's Finest City and the Jayhawk State.   There was a political earthquake Tuesday night in the Sunflower State. A Democrat, running in ruby red Kansas, nearly pulled off a...

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