Climate change is real. We need politicians, at all levels of government, who want to fight it’s disastrous effects.

On Tuesday, Donald Trump announced his executive order to roll back Barack Obama’s climate change legacy. It’s an EO that won’t bring back coal jobs, won’t provide us energy independence and will, hopefully, be locked up in lawsuits for years to come. Still, it’s an embarrassing decree that shows how a large segment of our political officials are sticking their heads in the sand when it comes to fighting the biggest issue of our time.

Solar, wind and other renewable energy sources aren’t going away.

When it comes to catastrophic climate change we’re in this mess because those in power have either put off tough decisions or have begun believing in a fantasy world where everything’s fine. Our daily inaction, on every level of government, continues to close the window we have to stabilize the climate.

It’s time that a younger generation, people who will have to live with today’s decisions long into the future, stand up and demand a seat at the table. With Tuesday’s action, we’re seeing what happens when these climate deniers are left to their own devices. If the current adults in the room aren’t going to fight harder and do everything possible to ensure a stable environment then they must go. It’s as simple as that.


Stopping climate change is one of the reasons that I got in this race for San Diego’s 2nd city council seat. I’m 32 years old and I hope my future grandchildren aren’t looking for beachfront property in La Mesa. I’d prefer that we don’t talk about the Great Barrier Reef in the past tense. If we don’t have people running and seeking office who will take up the mantle of fighting global warming right now, then we are failing not just the next generation, but thousands of generations heading into the future.

Here in America’s Finest City, I’m proud of what has been accomplished with the passage of the Climate Action Plan. Passing it was the easy part. Now we need to make sure that we put in the hard work that goes into fulfilling it’s mandates. We need to be a symbol to other municipalities that we don’t have choose between growth and protecting our planet. We need leaders in San Diego who are willing to put that work in and go further to work towards a greener future, however possible. If elected to represent San Diego’s 2nd city council district, I promise to be one of those people.

If you believe that we need politicians who take climate change seriously, please consider donating to my campaign today. Together, we can do our part to fight for a better tomorrow.